Our primary goal is to be the preferred solution partner in the sector by prioritising customer satisfaction in the products and services we provide.

To achieve this goal,

  • To provide effective and sustainable quality products and services in the international market,
  • To increase our product quality, production efficiency and reduce our costs by ensuring continuous improvement in all our business processes,
  • To ensure that quality management standards are efficient and sustainable at all levels of our organisation,
  • To see our suppliers as solution partners and to contribute to their continuous development,
  • To increase our competitiveness in every field by applying new and developing technologies,
  • To fulfil our responsibilities towards the environment and society and to produce in accordance with legal requirements,
  • We are committed to increase the satisfaction and competence of our employees, to do all the work on time and correctly with the awareness of team spirit.


Our main goal is to minimise the negative impact on the environment in all our processes, to keep the consumption of natural resources and pollution at the lowest level.

To achieve this goal,

  • To determine our environmental dimensions within the scope of the environmental management system we have established, to create programmes, to set targets and to ensure measurable continuous improvement,
  • In order to prevent environmental pollution; to ensure compliance with national and international laws, regulations and customer requirements, to increase the satisfaction of all relevant parties by ensuring continuous improvement of environmental performance, to prioritise clean and renewable energy sources,
  • To ensure the sustainability and improvement of the gains we have achieved with smart building management (recovery of process waste energy and conditioned ambient air, use of rainwater and grey water, etc.) in our facility designed with high energy efficiency in mind,
  • To reduce the wastes generated during our activities primarily at the source, to separate them, to recycle them and to dispose of them with the most appropriate methods,
  • To control the environmental impacts resulting from our activities by using natural resources effectively and efficiently,
  • We undertake to organise training activities to raise awareness of our employees, suppliers and subcontractors on environmental protection, to encourage them to implement these principles and to make our policy accessible to relevant parties.


With the awareness of carrying the responsibility of the Energy Management System, we aim to continuously improve energy performance in all our activities and to make them environmentally and economically sustainable.

In order to realise this goal;

  • To set targets in line with the Energy Policy by our management with the participation of our employees, to create actions to achieve these targets, to review them regularly and to provide the necessary resources,
  • To follow all laws and regulations related to energy and fulfil their requirements,
  • To communicate effectively with all stakeholders to create common value and beneficial results on Energy Management related issues,
  • To use appropriate information, resources and technologies to keep energy under control,
  • To increase energy performance values including energy efficiency and intensity in all processes,
  • To reduce energy consumption, to make improvements for continuous improvement in energy efficiency, to implement them and to monitor the results,
  • To use energy-efficient products to improve energy performance, to ensure that design studies related to the purchase of services are carried out or procured,
  • We undertake to continuously improve, document, announce to all units, review and update our Energy Management System.

Y. Alp KOZANOĞLU