On 08-09-10 December 2018, Management Study with Executives, a career event organized by Boğaziçi University Engineering Club, became a popular destination for students.

The career event which was organized for the 8th time this year by Boğaziçi University Engineering Club, is aimed to bring together students and young graduates from all over Turkey with leading companies and senior executives from different sectors. On the first two days of the event, the companies opened stands and met with students and new graduates from different universities and made presentations within the scope of "Determine Your Sector" and "Leadership". 

In the event where students showed great interest; KAT Mechatronic, which has been in the sector for 63 years, was met with great interest. KAT Mechatronic, which opened a stand during the event and made a presentation on the first day, met with students and gave information about the technical trips, job and internship opportunities, company vision and products.

At the Boğaziçi Business World Award Ceremony held on the last day of the three-day event, companies that have made a name for themselves in their sectors received awards. The awards were determined as a result of surveys among members and alumni of the "Management Study with Executives" (MSE) business world, management and leadership conference at Boğaziçi University Albert Long Hall after a cocktail reception with the participants on Monday, December 10. In previous years, the event brought together leading names in their fields such as Begümhan Doğan Faralyalı, Boyner Holding, Tüpraş, Murat Ülker and Mehmet Ali Aydınlar. This year, university students had the chance to meet with leading names in different fields and meet the winners of the most prestigious business awards of the year.


Industrial Company of the Year: KAT Mekatronik

Automotive Company of the Year: Groupe Renault

Technology Company of the Year: Microsoft

Holding of the Year: Doğuş Grubu

Food Company of the Year: TAB Gıda

Lifetime Achievement Award: Prof.Dr.Haluk Görgün (Aselsan CEO)

Bank of the Year: ING Bank

Campus Friendly Company of the Year: Kariyer.net

Lifetime Achievement Special Award: Bahadır Kumrallar (Atasay CEO)

Sustainability Award: B/S/H

Innovative Company of the Year: Domino’s Pizza

Insurance Company of the Year: Anadolu Sigorta

FMCG Company of the Year: ETI

Initiative of the Year: Hadi